We live always in the silence
of the Great Mystery,
an intelligence perhaps
that guides all life
and seems to sometimes
guide our heart
like waves are guided by the breeze
across an endless ocean.
And while all the moments slide
like dreams,
this conscious silence
heard only in our heart
is everywhere,
like light, or maybe gravity,
a conscious space
holding every star
and every human heart,
an ocean
of consciousness unbounded
by our human brain
or sense of separate self,
revealing all the silent poetry
in the fleeting beauty of a flower.
This Great Spirit,
always in our heart,
always knowing
when we find its presence in the silence
and every time we let forgiveness
bring us into sync
with harmony,
freeing us
from all the shadows of the past.
Paul Mulliner 2022
I’m a writer and digital artist/animator based in London.
Find some of my other poetry and prose here on Medium: