image: paul mulliner 14_3_19

Experiencing the Cosmic Space

Paul Mulliner
5 min readJul 30, 2019


How tuning in to an inner conscious space helps dissolve our separation from other people and gives us access to intuitive wisdom.

If we take a focus of attention inward, we can become aware of a conscious space which seems to exist inside everyone.

Our own, apparently separate, conscious awareness seems to actually be one spatial consciousness in all of us everywhere.

This intuitive realization is at the core of all the world’s great wisdom traditions and has been known and written about for thousands of years.

It’s particularly useful today, because tuning in to the intuitive wisdom emerging from this cosmic spatial consciousness helps us make positive change happen in the world.

Although we have separate human bodies, the conscious awareness we all share with each other is a single field of cosmic intelligence, a spatial consciousness everywhere inside us and throughout the Universe and when we tune in to this field, we realize that there’s no actual ‘other’, there’s only the appearance of others, all of us within one seamless field of conscious awareness.

This spatial intelligence is the primary stuff of the Universe and everything we see around us is a continuously generated expression of it, a vibrational altering of itself that allows it to become visible and touchable as trees, flowers and human beings.

Our separate human body encourages a separation in our thinking between ‘me’ and ‘those others’ which doesn’t actually exist. One conscious, cosmic space is providing all of us with awareness, each one of us inside our own separate human body.

Throughout history, human beings have often seen themselves and their world through the lens of a personal ego which creates a thought-generated separation between each one of us.

It’s possible though, and actually quite easy, to focus our attention less on the incessant ego-oriented thinking that emerges within us and more on the conscious, cosmic space, inside and all around us, out of which all thinking seems to be emerging.

Moving our attention inward allows us to know the presence of a generative source-intelligence, a cosmic field-self, a living consciousness-organism that is continuously making the whole world out of itself in an active cosmic field-process, vibrationally transforming itself so as to express itself as everything everywhere.

If we take a focus of attention inward and allow our thinking to gently dissolve, we can begin to sense the presence of this spatial intelligence-organism or cosmic field-consciousness within us.

The visible Universe is coming into being in a flow of continuous emergence, as cosmic intelligence vibrationally transforms itself into the clusters of quantum-scale, cosmic energy fluctuations which appear to us as the stars, trees and living beings of our world.

The seeing and experiencing we’re aware of inside ourselves occurs within a field-consciousness organism in all space in the Universe and this cosmic field-self is really who we are, not the ‘separate’ ego created by our thinking.

Of course, our ego continues to be important in helping us live in the world, but now we can begin to see it as a convenient thought-created fiction, a porous and dissolvable thought construct existing within field-consciousness.

This spatial intelligence is the primary stuff of the Universe and everything we see around us is a continuously generated expression of it, a vibrational altering of itself that allows it to become visible and touchable as trees, flowers and human beings.

The visible Universe is coming into being in a flow of continuous emergence, as cosmic intelligence vibrationally transforms itself into the clusters of quantum-scale, cosmic energy fluctuations which appear to us as the stars, trees and living beings of our world.

Tuning in to this conscious, cosmic space helps us more clearly hear the practical guidance that cosmic consciousness is always offering us through our intuition. This intuitive guidance helps us to live well and it’s also a reminder that we’re part of something much bigger than our family, our nation or even our planet.

We might reasonably consider that dying within this conscious, cosmic space is a dissolving into an immense cosmic intelligence that we suddenly recognise and know.

We’re cosmic beings, the continuously generated expressions of a cosmic intelligence field-organism which is experiencing itself as being alive within trillions of living beings throughout the Universe.

The transforming of cosmic energy and intelligence into the clusters of energy fluctuations which we observe as our own human hand, is occurring as a continuously emergent process, a streaming flow of emergence from the non-visible into the visible.

Keeping in touch with this huge cosmic presence helps us dissolve the self-limiting conceptual boundaries we can all too easily build for ourselves with our thinking.

We can begin to know ourselves as cosmic intelligence expressing itself as a living being and this can help us both live better and re-consider our notions about dying.

Intuitively knowing the cosmic field-intelligence, helps us realize that it is consciously aware of the birth, life and death of all of us everywhere within itself.

We might reasonably consider that dying within this conscious, cosmic space is a dissolving into an immense cosmic intelligence that we suddenly recognise and know.

A cosmic intelligence which has consciously known each one of us, throughout every moment of our life, as an expression of itself.

We can bring an intuitive knowing of the one conscious space into our daily life by taking a focus of attention inward. The focus of our attention, like the rays of light focussed into a high intensity point by a lens, has an actual location in the space that surrounds us. If we pause from reading for a moment, we can take the location of this point-focussed attention away from the words on our screen and move it into the inner core of ourself. We can gently hold this focus of attention in the inner core of ourself and allow our thinking to subside. Our attention is now focussed within a conscious, self-aware space which seems to be not only inside us, but everywhere throughout the Universe.


Paul Mulliner is a writer and digital artist

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Paul Mulliner

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....